3x3 Nuts & Bolts Online Conference

Nuts & Bolts Online Conference for Illustrators 2017
Date to be determined

We’re busy planning the next Nuts & Bolts.
In the meantime, check out videos from the 2016 conference.


Nuts & Bolts: Online Conference for Illustrators
Date To Be Determined

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We’re putting a new twist on our annual Nuts & Bolts Conference: we’re going global. No more limited seating, expensive airfare or hotels. You can enjoy and learn without leaving your studio.

The online conference format allows us to have speakers from across the globe speaking about their experiences in the areas of licensing, promotion, copyright issues, building a successful portfolio and web site, using social media and the basic fundamentals of running a business.

This will be a one-day conference with speakers including art directors, artist representatives and illustrators addressing issues facing young illustrators. The format will be a 18-20-minute talk with a 10-12-minute period for questions.
And since everything is recorded you can participate live or drop in and out of the conference and still be able to view it in its entirety whenever you wish. You'll be able to ask questions of our speakers during the conference when you watch live. And can chat with other attendees.

Goodies for Individual Registrants

Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of Nuts & Bolts: A Blueprint for a Successful Illustration Career and a free video download from a previous conference. Remember you’ll be able to view the online conference live and will be able to view the recording at any time afterwards, as many times as you like. Participate live and you’ll be able to take part in our question-and-answer portions.


Don't miss the chance to bring Nuts & Bolts to your students. We’re offering two Group Registrations for educators: Classroom and Auditorium. Includes full access to the recordings afterward.

More questions? Read our FAQ or email us

how it works

Viewing the Conference Online

Since everything is recorded you can participate live or drop in and out of the conference and still be able to view it in its entirety whenever you wish. You’ll be able to ask questions of our speakers during the conference when you watch live. And can chat with other attendees.

How the Online Conference Works

Once you are registered, as the event draws near, you will receive a detailed message, with the full schedule and other helpful information to help you take full advantage of the Conference and plan your day.

Technical Specifications

To attend the Conference, you will need a modern web browser and a recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. Prior to the conference we will send a diagnostic link so you can check your computer.


We’ll be announcing our speakers for Nuts & Bolts 2017 in the coming months. In the meantime, view our previous speakers. Click on photo for short bio.

Aaron Meshon


Alexandra Zsigmond

Art Director

Ella Lupo

Artist Representative

Emiliano Ponzi


James Yang


Julien Chung

Illustrator & Designer

Nishant Choksi


Rachael Cole

Art Director

Charles Hively

Conference Moderator

Sarah Munt

Conference Host


Who can attend?

Any illustrator at any level in any country will benefit from our conference. In particular those who have been in the field 1 to 5 years.

Why is the conference online?

The online conference format allows us to have speakers from across the globe and it makes it more affordable for our attendees. Eliminating the travel costs associated with our traditional conference.

Why should I attend?

Illustration is a business, the more you know about how a real illustrator works and what art directors look for, the faster you can succeed in your own career.

We covered business in school, how is this conference different?

The reason we started this conference is we found that too many young illustrators felt they weren’t properly prepared for the real world of illustration. Even if you’ve have been exposed to classes on business, you’ll walk away with a better sense of how to set up your business.

Why do I need to know about business practices?

Because you are a business owner the minute you graduate. You’ll have to find clients, negotiate fees, bill and collect your fees, pay taxes, secure health insurance and plan for your future. As an independent illustrator you’ll be doing everything.

What areas of illustration are you going to cover?

Our speakers will cover the areas of editorial illustration and children’s books from both the illustrator’s point of view and an art director’s. We’ll talk about licensing, how to approach the US market from abroad and the ins-and-outs of artist representation. And we’ll get one illustrator’s point of view on changing styles and another offers tips on setting up your business and the basics of investing.

Do you offer any discounts?

We have an early-bird sign-up that ends on September 9. Payment plans are available, email us if you’re interested.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, in the chat module you’ll be able to ask questions of our speakers during the conference when you watch live. And you can chat with other attendees. In fact we encourage you to make a list of questions you’d like to ask our speakers specific to their topic ahead of time so they can address your concerns in their talk.

Can I contact the speakers after the conference?

Yes but keep in mind they are busy people, try to make the most of your time with them at the conference.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Contact us at info@nutsandboltsconf.com

Can I update my registration information?

Yes, you have until 24 hours before the Conference to update your registration information. See the instructions

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes, you may transfer you registration. You have until 24 hours before to Conference to do so. See the instructions

What are the technical requirements to view the conference?

You’ll need an up to date browser and broadband connection. You will receive a confirmation email once you’ve reserved your spot. As the event draws closer you’ll receive a full schedule and information to help you take full advantage of your conference experience.


See what prior attendees have said about Nuts & Bolts Conference and Self-Promotion Workshop.

“The 3x3 Nuts & Bolts Conference is absolutely necessary for every young illustrator or designer to attend. The informative and inspirational presentations by all lecturers are only part of the reason why Nuts & Bolts is great.”

“Thoroughly covered a broad spectrum of concerns regarding self-promotion, while also getting down to details on a personal level.”

“The workshop gave me an idea as to how to think more deeply about my promotion and target audiences. The various activities made me consider how to effectively set up my campaign.”

“I think everyone more or less knows the importance of self-promotion already, but it is hard to really put the plan down on paper. And this workshop is a good kick-in-the-butt brainstorm exercise.”

“I left the workshop with lots of notes and things to think about, and a better, much clearer idea as to how to go about targeting my audience. Thank you!!”

“Very nicely done! The knowledge, inspiration and contacts from this experience are priceless!”

“It was a really amazing, invaluable experience and I truly think my career will be better for it.”

“Fantastic, life-changing experience for a recent grad like myself.”

“I thought the workshop was very informative, in regarding about the focus on “Self.” The discussion about quadrants was very informative and fun. The printed email subject line list was of great help, it was clear and direct, put us in the shoes of art directors.”

“Was a good mix of insights into the presenters' processes and of pure business strategy. It was helpful and inspiring to learn the arc of everyone's careers and how they became full time creatives. The business side of each presentation was targeted and definitely got the message across, which was motivating in its own way.”

“I found the conference to be exciting, informative, and absolutely worth it! I would recommend this to anyone interested in the business of illustration!”

“Thank you for the experience. It was truly fantastic & I feel as though we were all part of something huge and groundbreaking for young illustrators.”

“The conference gave me the opportunity to hear from people in the business I would never otherwise get access to. It has made it easier to comprehend the world of a professional illustrator.”

“One the things that made this so informative was the wide range of information that was presented.”

“I have been out of school for a few years and already discovered much of this info myself, however I still learned quite a bit and found it to be a very interesting and valuable experience. I wish this had existed when I was in school!”

“There was a good variety of artists with different illustration career paths, the Q-and-A session at the end of each speaker was also helpful, and I liked the different topics covered.”

“I believe the group was chosen very carefully to have illustrators from different markets, different styles, different countries and difference (sic) opinions and philosophies when it comes to illustration.”

“The openness of the presenters and their willingness to share both the successes and pitfalls in their career development. The wide range of illustration areas which were discussed.”

“I feel the caliber of the speakers and the thoughtfulness behind their selection was excellent. they were given enough time to get their main point across with ample time for questions. Overall the conference was a well rounded scope of the illustrative process.”

“Everything was concise, to the point, and very easy to refer back to. The speakers were just icing on the cake to hear how that knowledge was applied to their own career experience.”

“It seems most people have to practice more than one kind of illustration, and to see different ways and approaches of making a living as an artist was very inspiring and informative.”

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